F24 > 660 hp



100 years experience in the production of engines


Grenaa Diesel ships main engines, reduction gears and propeller systems have earned a century long reputation as efficient and reliable, difficult-to-break and simple-to-repair machinery. Thousands of highly professional ship owners have recognised the value of our dependable equipment under the most severe operational conditions.
We continuously strive to extend and improve this fine engineering tradition in all our products and services.
Grenaa diesel  vélin  gerð  6F24 
  er  hæggeng 500 snúninga,  með skiptiskrúfu  tengingu gegnum kúplingu, en án niðurfærlsugírs  þannig að hraðinn á skrúfu er 500 snúningar.  Slíkar hæggengar vélar eru mjög slitsterkar og eru dæmi hér á Íslenskum skipum yfir 30 ára með keyslutíma yfir 100,000 tíma og nær enginn viðgerðarkostnaður nema  þá  síur og þess háttar.

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